Saturday 2 July 2011

My general attitude towards writing

                          Generally,writing essays seems very factual so that most people afraid to write. Some people needs ages of time to come out the ideas according to topic. But,my attitude towards writing is neutral. As for me,i enjoy reading than writing. I spend most of my spare time by reading. On the other hand,all the four skills such as listening,reading,writing and speaking are important and they are connected. If you are not very well in one of them,you have difficulty to learn the others. As an example,reading books and articles can help us to find out the ideas for writing. Moreover,writing is also a message between people who are million miles away. The more you write,the more your creative skills are improved. So that,your skill levels will be getting strong! I think writing portfolio is an easy way to share our work and activities. Praticing in writing helps us strengthen our writing skills and how to write an argument,instructions,letters,comments,and leaflets. In conclusion,if you love writing and want to get positive feedback on your writing,you have to read more and pratice writing more.

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